
Should Estate Agents be dressed in formal attire?

Gemma • October 18, 2021

Below are the results of a recent LinkedIn poll, exploring the question that comes up again and again in the Estate Agency industry.

The poll got incredible engagement, with over 25,000 views, almost 900 votes and many great conversations.

We’ve heard it said that a uniform instils trust, like on a plane for example. Would you feel safe if you saw your pilot in the cockpit in a pair of jeans? Or what if you had a consultation with a surgeon wearing a t-shirt? There are sectors, where safety is a priority, where a uniform is certainly reassuring. But is it necessary in Estate Agency? As long as an Estate Agent looks smart and tidy, they don’t have to wear a suit, or do they?

Let’s take a look at the poll and hear some had to say on the matter.

26%, not an insignificant number, feel formal attire is always essential. 

Only 7% felt it was never appropriate to wear a suit and 14% feel it’s necessary when attending valuations.

With an overwhelming majority think it’s outdated, 53%. 

Even more telling than the numbers were some of your comments! “Know your audience” was a phrase that struck a chord. Traditionally, smart attire was required to project the same degree of professionalism associated with bankers and lawyers. Now there’s a move towards individuality, and it’s not such a relevant consideration. 

A number of people believe it depends on the Agent’s age and the market, and others say smart casual looks better than an ill-fitting suit. Whilst some say it’s about making an effort and not appearing lazy. 

So, with all these different and equally valid opinions, where do we go? Do we think the pandemic has had a big effect on opinions? Why not open the conversation in your workplace? Let us know the outcome! 

Link to original poll

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